Open Door by Jan Tinneberg

I find myself today like many times before
You’d think by now I would have learned what I should know
But I’m so like a child in so many ways
There’s so much more to see
And choices left to make
But I have hope

There are so many things I wish that I could change
For each regret I only have myself to blame
But no matter what I’ve done to bring me here today
The worse things are right now the greater the escape
But I have hope

If I am shaken by the battle I can’t fight
And left speechless by a heart that has run dry
Then, in the quiet hours, is when I start to hear
In the battle is where the hero appears
And I have hope

And if I talk to you but nothing seems to change
If I feel all alone with nothing left to say
It seems impossible to see this to the end
But impossible is where miracles begin
And I have hope

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